From: Kelly Cacioppo (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2008 - 17:07:33 CST
Chris- thanks for your quick response... hopefully this further explains the issue I'm having:
Have you reported this problem to property management, or are you just posting your complaints in a public forum?
I have not yet contacted property management. I thought this was the forum to report 'smaller' problems in the building. Usually I contact First Properties regarding more significant issues, but in the future I will contact both you and property management on all issues.
Is it the exterior intercom on the Throop entrance that is not working?
Yes, it is the exterior intercom. The problem seems to vary from not being able to dial at all (not getting a dial tone), not reacting to any buttons being pressed, and to simply saying that the line is busy. Basically the intercom is not able to dial the unit in the first place. This is what happened yesterday - the screen read "line busy" before any buttons were pressed and would not respond at all when buttons were pressed. I do not have DSL and my name does appear in the directory. When it does work, and people are able to dial, I can buzz them in easily.
You also stated in your email that the intercom isn't working "again". Are you having a reoccurring problem?
This has been a recurring problem over the past year. Sometimes the intercom works and sometimes there is no functionality at all. It's nearly 50/50. It came to a head yesterday because of my illness. Usually, I have guests over on the weekend, and forget to report the problem at the start of the week. I had guests over on Sunday, February 17th and it was not working then either.
I cannot speak to others in the building having issues, but I would imagine that I am not the only one. Please let me know if I should call the property manager, or if this is adequate. Thanks,
> To:> CC:;> Subject: RE: PARKING LOT SWING GATE (fwd)> From:> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:26:42 -0500> > Kelly,> > We are so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, and we all wish you > a speedy recovery. This has been a terrible year for the flu. Thank you > for reporting the intercom problem. Have you reported this problem to > property management, or are you just posting your complaints in a public > forum? If you have contacted property management, would you kindly > forward your service request to the Board. It's a good idea to always > copy the Board on any communication with First Properties. This allows > the Board to be informed of your communication, and it allows the Board to > follow up with the property manager to ensure that all open ticket items > are addressed.> > To date, there have been no problems reported with the front door intercom > system. Per
haps you could provide us some useful information so we can > get the intercom repaired. Is it the exterior intercom on the Throop > entrance that is not working? Or is it the interior intercom in the front > lobby? (The two units work independently.) Is there a problem with the > screen or keypad on the unit? (Perhaps your name doesn't appear in the > directory.) Is the intercom able to ring the phone in your unit? Is > there an audio problem between the intercom and your phone? (Perhaps you > can hear the guest in the front lobby, but the guest cannot hear you.) > When you pressed six (6) on your keypad, did you get an audio beep? Did > the electric strike lock open the door for your guest? Do you have a DSL > internet connection on your phone line? Are you aware that noise from a > DSL line can interfere with the operation of the front door intercom > system? (It is highly recommended to have the front door intercom on a > second phone line to prevent this problem.)> > You also stated in your email that t
he intercom isn't working "again". Are > you having a reoccurring problem? When was the last time the intercom did > not work for your unit? Was this a problem with just your unit, or was it > a problem for all units. FYI... the LCD screen on the external intercom > was replaced a few months ago. Technically, the intercom was still > functional, but the broken screen didn't allow guests to use the directory > to look up residents. It took several weeks to obtain a new LCD screen > because we had to place a special order for the part.> > In order to call in a service request, we'll need some more information. > Simply informing the repair service that the intercom doesn't work won't > get us very far. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.> > Hope you are feeling better soon.> > Best regards,> - Chris> > > > > > > Kelly Cacioppo <> > Sent by:> 03/12/2008 11:41 PM> Please respond to>> > > To> <vanguard-talk@venu>> cc> > Subject> RE: PARKING LOT SWING GATE (fwd)> > > > > > > > The intercom at the front door was not working AGAIN today...> I was sick with the flu and had to walk down to let somebody in> This is absurd - this building has got to have things that work!!! > For the amount of assessments we pay, I think a reliable intercom isn't > that much to ask> > > > > > Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:27:00 -0500> From:> To: >> Subject: PARKING LOT SWING GATE (fwd)> > > > Here's a duplicate message sent by Donna Lewicki/Wlezien, who's taken> > over from Joe Lara as our property manager. It might be a duplicate, > > because she sent it to individual emails originally rather than to the> > list.> > Jim> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> Date: Wed, 12 Mar > 2008 12:32:09 -0500> From: Donna Wlezien <>> > Subject: PARKING LOT SWING GATE> > Dear Van Guard Loft Owners: Due to the > expansion of the asphalt surface> in the bui
lding driveway, the swing gate > is not closing properly. This> entrance will be shut down today and will > be repaired tomorrow. Please> use the alley entrance until that time.> > > > > Thank you.> > > > Donna Lewicki Wlezien, CMCA> > Sr. Property Manager> > > First Properties LLC> > 760 N. Ogden Ave.> > Chicago, IL 60622> > > > > (312) 829-8900 EXT. 19> > (312) 829!> -8950 FAX> > > > > _________________________________________________________________> Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.>> > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not> intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of> any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any> transaction. All market prices, data and other information are not> warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change> without notice. Any comments or statements made her
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