Re: USA Dish complaint info needed

Subject: Re: USA Dish complaint info needed
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2008 - 23:44:31 CDT

Shiju, thanks very much for that info. Your information is useful, and
we'll relay it forward.

What's sad is that, despite the rage against USA Dish expressed by
some, those who have been the most vocal in demanding action seem least
willing to step forward with some basic answers:

1) Did anybody (other than Shiju and David) attempt to call Roddy in the
last 24 hours?

2) Did anybody else hear from Roddy or anybody else from USA Dish
today, whether to set up an appointment or to at least establish

Roddy promised Echostar that he would contact people he had on his
service list, that he would be accessible, and that he would be on-site
today. We have no way of knowing unless people tell us. If people
don't tell us, then we have no complaints to send foward.

We desparately need this information to forward to Echostar/Dish. If
people want changes, they have to make at least a minimal effort to
give us something to work with, and the information requested for today
is critical!!


On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, Shiju Elakkatt wrote:

> Jim,
> Just heard back from my tenant. Turns out Roddy did not call them back,
> they called him. They were shocked that they actually got a hold of him and
> he told them that he tried to get in the building today and could not get
> in. This does not jive with the story he told me about being in Michigan.
> He told them he would call them back on Monday to set up an appointment, but
> given his track record we are not confident that this will happen.
> The pattern seems to be that he just makes up excuses for his lack of
> service when someone actually does get a hold of him and then says he will
> get back to people to provide said service and then fails to do so. This is
> ridiculous to the point of being almost comical.
> Shiju
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Shiju Elakkatt <> wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I tried to get a hold of Roddy yesterday and today and got a full voice
>> mail so I was unable to leave a message. I just tried again and got a hold
>> of him. He said that he is in his Michigan office right now and that he
>> spoke to my tenants today to set up service. To be honest he sounded like
>> he was making it up as he went. I have a call in to my tenant to confirm
>> whether this conversation actually took place. Will get back to you as soon
>> as I hear back.
>> Shiju

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