Subject: RE: USA Dish complaint info needed
From: Matthew Loeffel (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2008 - 12:32:11 CDT
I bought one and paid for it, but still have not received it!!!!!
Best Regards,
Matthew T. Loeffel
Loeffel Steel Products, Inc.
Phone: 847-382-6770
Fax: 708-201-7521
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Robin Raffel
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: USA Dish complaint info needed
he told me something totally different about the DVR.
he told me that i can get a DVR box if i want to buy
one for $500.
--- jonathan sweeney <>
> I called Roddy this morning and answered. I had two
> questions for him and he answered both of them to
> the best of his ability.
> Question 1 Can you install a upgrade such as a
> HD/DVR receiver in my unit?
> Answer 1. next week I will call you back concerning
> the HD service but the dvr is a hard to do due to a
> type of piping sizing problem and not being able to
> fit the dvr wires inside the tubing.
> Question 2 . How about the internet?
> Answer 2. The internet is the priority today and we
> are working on that getting fixed today. Give me
> your contact information and I will call you either
> today or monday concerning your HD receiver requests
> and programming changes.
> Summary: I thought I was talking to a real customer
> service agent. he responded to every question and in
> some instances more detail than necessary.
> So if he comes through and provides the service
> requested, then god bless him.
> Otherwise he has a very good poker face to put it
> nicely.
> Joanthan
> 604> From:> To:
>> Subject: RE: USA
> Dish complaint info needed> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008
> 10:52:25 -0500> > > What's sad is that, despite the
> rage against USA Dish expressed by> some, those who
> have been the most vocal in demanding action seem
> least> willing to step forward with some basic
> answers:> How can I step forward with answers when I
> can't write you back because I don't have internet
> access?!?! Sorry Jim, but the limited time I've been
> online has been to work, not to log calls.> I did
> call Roddy yesterday around 3pm and he answered. He
> said that there was an upgrade being performed - and
> that it should be completed by the end of the day
> today (Friday). He gave some song and dance about a
> contract he had with a provider that expired June
> 2nd and that the other service was supposed to take
> effect on the 2nd but didn't.> > The problem is not
> how long it's going to take him to get things back
> up and running - the prob!
> lem is that it happened in the first place and an
> outage ensued for 5 working days - without
> responding to complaints until the 4th day. Isn't
> that enough for Echostar? > > Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008
> 23:44:31 -0500> From:> To:
>> Subject: Re: USA
> Dish complaint info needed> > > Shiju, thanks very
> much for that info. Your information is useful, and>
> we'll relay it forward.> > What's sad is that,
> despite the rage against USA Dish expressed by>
> some, those who have been the most vocal in
> demanding action seem least> willing to step forward
> with some basic answers:> > 1) Did anybody (other
> than Shiju and David) attempt to call Roddy in the>
> last 24 hours?> > 2) Did anybody else hear from
> Roddy or anybody else from USA Dish > today, whether
> to set up an appointment or to at least establish >
> contact?> > Roddy promised Echostar that he would
> contact people he had on his> service list, that he
> would be accessible, and that he would be!
> on-site> today. We have no way of knowing unless
> people tell us. If p
> eople> don't tell us, then we have no complaints to
> send foward.> > We desparately need this informati!>
> on to forward to Echostar/Dish. If> people want
> changes, they have to make at least a minimal effort
> to> give us something to work with, and the
> information requested for today> is critical!!> >
> Jim> > On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, Shiju Elakkatt wrote:> >
> > Jim,> >> > Just heard back from my tenant. Turns
> out Roddy did not call them back,> > they called
> him. They were shocked that they actually got a hold
> of him and> > he told them that he tried to get in
> the building today and could not get> > in. This
> does not jive with the story he told me about being
> in Michigan.> > He told them he would call them back
> on Monday to set up an appointment, but> > given his
> track record we are not confident that this will
> happen.> >> > The pattern seems to be that he just
> makes up excuses for his lack of> > service when
> someone actually does get a hold of him and then
> says he will> > get back to !
> people to provide said service and then fails to do
> so. This is> > ridiculous to the point of being
> almo!> st comical.> >> > Shiju> >> > On Thu, Jun 5,
> 2008 at 8:15 PM, Shiju El> akkatt
> <> wrote:> >> >> Hi Jim,> >>> >>
> I tried to get a hold of Roddy yesterday and today
> and got a full voice> >> mail so I was unable to
> leave a message. I just tried again and got a hold>
> >> of him. He said that he is in his Michigan office
> right now and that he> >> spoke to my tenants today
> to set up service. To be honest he sounded like> >>
> he was making it up as he went. I have a call in to
> my tenant to confirm> >> whether this conversation
> actually took place. Will get back to you as soon>
> >> as I hear back.> >>> >> Shiju> >
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