RE: USA Dish complaint info needed

Subject: RE: USA Dish complaint info needed
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2008 - 12:42:35 CDT

On Fri, 6 Jun 2008, Matthew Loeffel wrote:

> I bought one and paid for it, but still have not received it!!!!!

Thanks to all for the flood of information. Chris and I are fowarding
this all to Echostar/Dish.

Although Echostar/Dish is unrelated to Big Skyz, Kelly makes an
excellent point: If Big Skyz Internet is down, then it's rather
difficult to read and respond to the emails of the last 48 hours.

Roddy's standard pattern when confronted with non-service issues,
especially non-compliance letters from our attorney, is to cool us all
out with decent service for a while then revert back to form. This has
been a pattern for years, and I've experienced it directly in the three
or so years I've been on the board. If he reverts back to this pattern
after his apparent resonsiveness to Echostar/Dish's ultimatum and
Board threats, it won't work.

Matt, call Roddy ASAP and get a resolution and let us know what happens.


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