Subject: Re: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results
Date: Mon Jun 09 2008 - 14:36:57 CDT
Jeremy - thanks for the info. I find it interesting that your Big Skyz
internet connection is identified as AT&T. The real question is where
does Roddy get his internet connection from? It is possible that Big Skyz
is getting the connection from AT&T, but judging from the infrastructure
equipment and wireless installation on the roof... this is not the work of
AT&T. The installation is a complete hack job.
Knowing Roddy and how he operates, I have a feeling he is purchasing the
wireless signal from a third party internet service provider in the
city... meaning someone other than AT&T. That internet provider is most
likely connected to AT&T downstream. The real question is what kind of
installation is behind the scenes? It could be a reputable ISP, or it
could be some guy running an ISP service out of his garage.
Hypothetically, if you have AT&T as the source, and Big Skyz as the end
provider... there is an unknown entity in the middle. This leaves a lot
of questions up in the air for discussion. The point I'm trying to make
is this... with an unknown man in the middle your data could flow through
anything, and anyone could have access to it at any time.
The setup Roddy has in place to deliver internet service to the building
is somewhat questionable and it should be approached with caution. For
some people, the current setup is a non-issue. For others, privacy,
reliability, and the end-to-end accountability is a concern.
I'm not a Big Skyz customer. I've had AT&T DSL service since I moved into
the building and have never had any problems. I'm just trying to help
those who subscribe to Big Skyz internet so they have more information to
make their own judgement call. Roddy's history should speak for itself.
- Chris
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