Subject: Unit key question
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2009 - 13:10:35 CST
> I do have one question... It used to be that we were required to provide
> a key to 1P. I remember getting dinged with an audit some years back
> because I replaced the locks after I closed. I believe the reason was in
> case of emergency like a massive leak from a unit above to a unit below
> during an emergency access could be provided. I Does 1P still have those
> keys? I believe the keys were maintained in the building somewhere. I
> know I don't recall getting mine back. So after getting it changed do I
> still need to provide a copy to 1P.
Good question, Rodell. My recollection, like yours, is that "back in
the day," we were required to provide a key. This goes back to about
1999/2000. Donna can correct me, but I don't think 1P now requires keys.
Donna - Does 1P retain individual unit keys?
One problem with keeping keys on-site is that each would have to be
labeled, and even a "secure" lockbox for them all could be subject to
rip-off. The same would be true for at 1P. If anybody obtained access,
it would pose a security risk.
Our next Board meeting will be the first Weds in March, and we'll bring
up the key issue at the meeting.
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