Re: your mail

Subject: Re: your mail
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2009 - 12:23:14 CST

Rondell, Unfortunately, 1P doesn't (and can't) assist owners who are
locked out of the building or units. The best thing to do is to call
a locksmith and then have another owner let you in the building.
While it's inconvenient, it's about all that can be done.

The Board has talked recently about owners placing keys in a secure
area in the building in case of emergencies (on a voluntary basis).
There are some liability and other issues that disincline us to do this,
but it might be something we could re-consider.


On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Rodell Knight wrote:

> Donna,
> I am locked out of the building and my unit #209. Vanguard Lofts 1250 W
> VanBuren. I left a voicemail with you. I need to get into the building
> as well as my unit. I need to schedule a time to meet someone at the
> building.
> On your voicemail you mention 1 business day. I need a little faster
> turnaround if possible.
> I am downtown working so I can get back over to the building quickly.
> Please call me back 847-875-8896.
> -Rodell

                                Jim Thomas
                NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
             Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
       Visiting Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago

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