Re: Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4

Subject: Re: Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2009 - 08:19:35 CST


As a follow up to your and Jim's e-mails. Many buidlings do have them, but
many only have one or two. For instance 1000 W Washington which has over
250 units has two, 3660 Lake Shore Drive which has over 20 floors has 4.
Considering our building only has 100 units one really should be more than

If we do get them, one per floor just isnt feasible, practical or really

In my experience they are very helpful, but a few things typically happen.

1. People have a tendancy to use them then level them outside their unit or
in their elevator lobby
2. People have a tendancy to leave them outside / exposed to the elements
and ruin them

That said it is a GREAT idea and I would definitely support the purchase of
a cart. With that in mind we will need everyone to be a good citizen and
make sure they are being considerate when they use it and return it so
others can use it when needed.

Just a thought.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 12:10 AM, BRENDA <> wrote:

> thank you and yes i would like some info on the carts they have and how to
> order them
> God Bless!
> Brenda Reese
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Thomas <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:07 am
> Subject: Re: Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4
> > Can we get carts that hotels use to carry our packages, groceries,
> > etc to our units.? Several building that I have visited, that I have
> > friends that live in these other buildings have them.? My suggestion
> > is, if it sounds feasible, is that we have one for each floor and only
> > the residents on that floor can use it and each one can have different
> > lock combination for that floor and the residents for that floor have
> > the combo and when they are done return it to your floor by the back
> > elevator.? Let me know what you think.
> We can discuss it at the meeting, but for storage and other reasons
> it'll probably be difficult to implement. A number of people have those
> small collapsable carts available on the Internet, the kinds that
> musicians use to cart their stuff around. They're fairly cheap and
> sturdy. Chris has a great one - maybe he can send over details or
> others who have one can share. They're relatively inexpensive.
> Jim

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