Subject: Re: Roof
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Mar 09 2009 - 16:40:44 CST
Brian writes:
> However, if I were a owner on any floor, the lack of
> attention and corrective actions to this severe mold and structure issue
> is very alarming. If I were a owner I would bring more attention to this
> problem via the press and the City of Chicago. Mold is a serious problem-
> especially with young children living in this building.
I don't know how much more clearly I can say this, and those who'd
bothered to come to the Board meeting this past week would know:
made, we're moving forward. If people can't come to the Board meetings,
fine. But at least please read the emails with more care and check
the minutes on the homepage for major Board actions. The intent
of the Repair/Replacement Committee is to give the 7th floor (and
others) a voice in the project, to keep *everybody* informed.
As Rondell indicated, the intent (barring anything unforseen) is to
NOT have a special assessment. He also asks a good question: Where
are the reserves? They are *NOT* in stocks. Brian can provide
details, but they're in secure savings and we have not lost money.
How long does it take? Allison is correct: You can get a new roof
on quickly. But, we want a roof that doesn't simply wear out in another
five years, that will last for future residents and not disintegrate
in half of it's expected life time, that has a strong warranty,
that isn't the mediocre job that Tony Rezko (the building's
developer) stuck on, that won't screw up the HVAC units that are on
the roof, and that minimize the crazyness for the 7th floor people
while being replaced, and that won't turn their units into open-air
"see-the-sky" sunrooms. It's not a matter of just laying something over
the old one. "Replacing" means just that. You probably don't want this
done in winter months. The plan is to begin construction in the second
quarter of 2010.
For those not aware of what the Board does, we multi-tasks: Dealing
with a unit issue involving a stench that appears to have spread through
the vents into upper units does not preclude also dealing with other
problems, both large and small.
Hope this helps.
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