Re: Roof

Subject: Re: Roof
From: Long, Rebecca Lynn (
Date: Mon Mar 09 2009 - 17:44:43 CST

Just wanted to add a few (positive) comments to the mix, as a fellow 7th
floor resident. My roof has leaked (a lot) in the past, in a couple
different places, so I completely understand the frustration with having
buckets out everywhere and water damage- it really disrupts your life.
However, each time the roof leaked, I called Joe Cairo and he sent a crew
over to help me out. Joe was very helpful and the crew members were very
nice and respectful, and for that, I am grateful. And whatever they did
up there worked: while Joe Cairo was the first to admit that "patching
things up" is just a temporary solution, the roof has not leaked above my
unit during any of the recent heavy storms (yay). I am so sorry for
anyone experiencing roof issues right now (believe me, I've been there),
but I have to give props to First Properties/the board for hiring "Joe the
roof guy" to help us out while we wait for our new, durable, non-leaky


On Mon, March 9, 2009 5:40 pm, Jim Thomas wrote:
> Brian writes:
>> However, if I were a owner on any floor, the lack of
>> attention and corrective actions to this severe mold and structure issue
>> is very alarming. If I were a owner I would bring more attention to
>> this
>> problem via the press and the City of Chicago. Mold is a serious
>> problem-
>> especially with young children living in this building.
> I don't know how much more clearly I can say this, and those who'd
> bothered to come to the Board meeting this past week would know:
> made, we're moving forward. If people can't come to the Board meetings,
> fine. But at least please read the emails with more care and check
> the minutes on the homepage for major Board actions. The intent
> of the Repair/Replacement Committee is to give the 7th floor (and
> others) a voice in the project, to keep *everybody* informed.
> As Rondell indicated, the intent (barring anything unforseen) is to
> NOT have a special assessment. He also asks a good question: Where
> are the reserves? They are *NOT* in stocks. Brian can provide
> details, but they're in secure savings and we have not lost money.
> How long does it take? Allison is correct: You can get a new roof
> on quickly. But, we want a roof that doesn't simply wear out in another
> five years, that will last for future residents and not disintegrate
> in half of it's expected life time, that has a strong warranty,
> that isn't the mediocre job that Tony Rezko (the building's
> developer) stuck on, that won't screw up the HVAC units that are on
> the roof, and that minimize the crazyness for the 7th floor people
> while being replaced, and that won't turn their units into open-air
> "see-the-sky" sunrooms. It's not a matter of just laying something over
> the old one. "Replacing" means just that. You probably don't want this
> done in winter months. The plan is to begin construction in the second
> quarter of 2010.
> For those not aware of what the Board does, we multi-tasks: Dealing
> with a unit issue involving a stench that appears to have spread through
> the vents into upper units does not preclude also dealing with other
> problems, both large and small.
> Hope this helps.
> Jim

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