Subject: Vanguard Roof
From: Stankos, Brian (bstankos@CANNONDESIGN.COM)
Date: Tue Mar 10 2009 - 09:13:02 CST
Attention 7th Floor Residents,
Based off the e-mails that floated around yesterday, the Board of Directors will be working with First Properties to have the roofer again come to Vanguard Lofts to investigate the sources of roof leaks. I'll be putting a drawing under the doors of each of the 7th floor units tonight. Any resident who has been experiencing roof leaks should mark the location of the leaks on the drawing and return it to me in unit #513 as soon as possible. I'll then compile a master drawing and walk the roof with a roofer and First Properties to better identify the source of the leaks. Any questions, call me at 773-343-5128 or e-mail me at
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