Re: recommendations

Subject: Re: recommendations
From: Joy Ringger (
Date: Sat Mar 14 2009 - 11:04:10 CST

I just got my toilet at Menards and then had a friend install it.  From what I understand, it is not that complicated to replace.  Of course you would have to find someone to do that for you.  I think a handyman would be cheaper than a plummer.
Joy #603

--- On Sat, 3/14/09, Dana Parker <> wrote:

From: Dana Parker <>
Subject: recommendations
To: "vanguard loft" <>
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 9:07 AM

Could anyone in the building recommend a heating and air conditioning company
that does regular cleanings?
Also, has anyone had their toilet replaced?
Thanks much,
Dana and Dave Parker #514

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