Subject: Re: recommendations
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Mar 14 2009 - 11:14:45 CST
> I just got my toilet at Menards and then had a friend install it. From what I understand, it is not that complicated to replace. Of course you would have to find someone to do that for you. I think a handyman would be cheaper than a plummer.
A reminder: Because toilets extend into common elements (risers behind
the walls), Board approval must be obtained, and the replacement must be
done by a licensed plumber. This might sound petty, but faulty
installation can lead to serious problems. As a recent example:
An owner tried to rehab his own plumbing, was told he needed permission,
went ahead anyway, and screwed up the installation. The screw-up
resulted in human waste leaking into the unit below everytime the
toilet was flushed. This created a mold and damage problem for the
owner of the affected unit, a $4,000+ repair/mold-mitigation bill
only partially paid for by insurance, and a $500 fine for the faulty
installation. A shitty situation for all.
If you're in doubt about whether you need permission for a particular
repair, check the Association Bylaws:
or just email the Board.
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