Re: Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)

Subject: Re: Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Mon Apr 27 2009 - 09:05:37 CDT

I was going to send the same email about the cigar in the stairwell. it was on the 7th floor and it is horrible.

also, i sent this on sat. but didnt get a response.
is there a backup system for our key fob if the power goes out?
i was stranded outside on sat. and couldnt get in the building. what happens if there is an emergency??
i think we need to figure out something that lets us in the building if the power does go out.

also, i think there is something wrong with the AC unit or something on the roof.
there is a very loud clanking noise that i hear coming through my vent in the bathroom.
you may want to have someone go up there and look at it.

Robin 713

--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Tom Kikta <> wrote:

> From: Tom Kikta <>
> Subject: Re: Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)
> To: "Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>
> Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 7:36 AM
> This has nothing to do with bikes whatsoever (it was just
> convenient to reply to Jim's e-mail), but whoever was
> smoking a cigar in the back (north) stair, please stop it.
> Go outside and smoke.
> The back stair smelled like stale cigar smoke, and was
> really pretty disgusting. Aside from that, it's just
> incredibly stupid to smoke in a wood framed exit stair.
> Thanks.
> Tom Kikta
> 709
> >>> Jim Thomas <>
> 4/26/2009 2:43 PM >>>
> Owners of the following bikes should claim them immediately
> or get them
> registered:
> Bike Hook #14 - Trek - 7500 (maroon/silver) 20"
> Frame with a rack
> Bike Hook #55 - Road Master - Mt. Climber (black)
> Two bikes are chained together in front of the bench in the
> storage
> room. It makes it difficult to work around them.
> Free standing - Kustom Kruiser (light yellow)
> Free standing - Specialized - Crossroads (gray)
> Bikes MUST be registered and placed on hooks. They MUST NOT
> be left
> free-standing in the storage room. If those two bikes are
> not placed on
> hooks, the chains will be cut and the bikes donated to
> charity.
> Also DO NOT hang an unregistered bike on an empty space.
> Unregistered
> bikes on other owners' hooks will be removed.
> Thanks.
> Jim

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