Re: Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)

Subject: Re: Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Apr 27 2009 - 10:53:28 CDT

> also, i sent this on sat. but didnt get a response.
> is there a backup system for our key fob if the power goes out?

There is a backup system. When it was tested last year, it appeared to be
functioning. We'll have 1P look into it. Don't forget -- when there are
maintenace problems, be sure to call 1P rather than rely on a post
to the list resolving the issue.

> also, i think there is something wrong with the AC unit or something
> on the roof. there is a very loud clanking noise that i hear coming
> through my vent in the bathroom.

Be sure to report it first-hand to 1P. The list is fine for sharing
information, but isn't the best or quickest way to get action on an
issue. There have been some issues with vents in the common areas, and
with luck it will be fixed soon.


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