Re: Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up

Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Mon May 04 2009 - 14:07:40 CDT


I have tennis at noon, but I'll make it down for a bit.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Christian A Lattimer <> wrote:

> All,
> I'm looking for a few hard working volunteers to help me plant some flowers
> in the planters on Van Buren and Throop. I have a variety of perennials
> being delivered on Saturday morning 05/09/2009. I figure we'll start
> sometime around 9am. The visitor parking spaces will be closed down on
> Friday to accept delivery of the flowers on Saturday.
> Ultimately, I'd like to accomplish the following:
> - remove all trash from the planters
> - plant flowers
> - put down fresh mulch
> - clean the sidewalks
> - pick up trash and debris around the property
> - rake and the grass on the Throop/Jackson parkway
> We'll be planting the following perennials:
> - Black-eyed Susan
> - Shasta Daisies
> - Stella D'Oro Lily
> - Salvia May Night
> - Coralbells 'Purple palace'
> - Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
> - Karl Forster' Grass (yellow plume)
> - Hamlin' Rubrum Grass (Red Plume)
> Once the plants mature, we should have flowers in bloom spring, summer, and
> fall. Each plant has a different bloom time, and most blooms should overlap
> from season to season. As the Shasta Daisies fad out in the fall, the Sedum
> 'Autumn Joy' should start to bloom. Provided the proper care and
> maintenance, the plants should last us a long time. (This means we must
> keep all the dogs out of the planters.)
> What you'll need if you volunteer this weekend:
> - work gloves or garden gloves
> - garden shovel or trowel (if you have one)
> For those that don't have a green thumb but would still like to help out,
> the volunteers always appreciate a cold drink and snacks.
> Special thanks to all the volunteers that built the planters last year.
> Your efforts in 2008 made it possible for us to plant flowers and beautify
> the building in 2009.
> 2008 Tree Planter Volunteers
> Tom Kikta
> Mary Deskovich
> Dave DeSomer
> Marty Platen
> Jim Thomas
> Deborah Compagner
> Jason Wolf
> Leticia Magallanes
> Dom Shurba
> Brian Stankos
> Ed Kurek
> I plan on being out there rain or shine. If you'd like to help, please
> send me an email.
> Thanks,
> Chris
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