Re: Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up

Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up
From: Derek Lane (
Date: Tue May 05 2009 - 09:28:34 CDT

Hey Chris -

I can help on Saturday morning.  The earlier the better for me.  What time were you thinking?


--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Christian A Lattimer <> wrote:
From: Christian A Lattimer <>
Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 1:51 PM


I'm looking for a few hard working volunteers to help me plant some flowers
in the planters on Van Buren and Throop. I have a variety of perennials being
delivered on Saturday morning 05/09/2009. I figure we'll start sometime
around 9am. The visitor parking spaces will be closed down on Friday to accept
delivery of the flowers on Saturday.

Ultimately, I'd like to accomplish the following:
- remove all trash from the planters
- plant flowers
- put down fresh mulch
- clean the sidewalks
- pick up trash and debris around the property
- rake and the grass on the Throop/Jackson parkway

We'll be planting the following perennials:
- Black-eyed Susan
- Shasta Daisies
- Stella D'Oro Lily
- Salvia May Night
- Coralbells 'Purple palace'
- Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
- Karl Forster' Grass (yellow plume)
- Hamlin' Rubrum Grass (Red Plume)

Once the plants mature, we should have flowers in bloom spring, summer, and
fall. Each plant has a different bloom time, and most blooms should overlap
from season to season. As the Shasta Daisies fad out in the fall, the Sedum
'Autumn Joy' should start to bloom. Provided the proper care and
maintenance, the plants should last us a long time. (This means we must keep
all the dogs out of the planters.)

What you'll need if you volunteer this weekend:
- work gloves or garden gloves
- garden shovel or trowel (if you have one)

For those that don't have a green thumb but would still like to help out,
the volunteers always appreciate a cold drink and snacks.

Special thanks to all the volunteers that built the planters last year. Your
efforts in 2008 made it possible for us to plant flowers and beautify the
building in 2009.

2008 Tree Planter Volunteers
Tom Kikta
Mary Deskovich
Dave DeSomer
Marty Platen
Jim Thomas
Deborah Compagner
Jason Wolf
Leticia Magallanes
Dom Shurba
Brian Stankos
Ed Kurek

I plan on being out there rain or shine. If you'd like to help, please
send me an email.

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