Rules - the unpleasant side....

Subject: Rules - the unpleasant side....
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon May 04 2009 - 22:59:50 CDT

Sorry for pushing the rules, but it's that messier side of the Board's

DOGS: Remember: You MUST register your dogs each year! It's $50.
If you have registered your dog in the last year, it would help us
if you'd send over the registration number so our records correspond
with First Properties' records. And--no dogs in the front lobby.

BIKES: Thanks to the people who moved the bikes. We'll try to get
the discrepancy between the hook numbers you were given and the number
on the tag sorted out later this summer, but it won't be easy.

PARKING: Also: ONLY MOTOR VEHICLES belong in your parking spaces.
Boxes, bicycles, mopeds shared with cars,, gas cans, and other
things do not belong there.Please remove anything that doesn't have
wheels and a motor. Only one motor vehicle per space. We deferred the
motorcycle + car in the remote lot issue until this spring. We will be
discussing it at the June meeting. For now, cars + cycle are not allowed
on the ramp or underground lot.

And, please don't forget to register your dogs and send Chris or I
your registration number.



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