Re: Dish Network

Subject: Re: Dish Network
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 10:54:48 CDT

All- I don't want to sound repetitive; but I just called and I got the same message that Ian got-- tomorrow AM.

This is unacceptable customer service. I can understand if this was a individual box issue- but this is a whole building issue.

Brian Hanzal
Regional Account Manager
Henkel Corporation

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10.05.2009 10:00 EST
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Dish Network

I just called and they said they can come out tomorrow. This is
unacceptable. I urge others to call, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 10, 2009, at 9:45 AM, Robin Raffel <> wrote:

> I just spoke with Kari at dish network. her ID # is 5JA.
> she said that several people have called from our building and they
> are sending out a tech today. but she said the more people that
> call, the faster a tech will come out!!
> so, everyone please call!!!
> robin raffel 713
> --- On Sun, 5/10/09, <>
> wrote:
>> From: <>
>> Subject: Re: Dish Network
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 8:21 AM
>> I had made an appt last night before I knew it was
>> building-wide (accofrding to the moron I spoke w/ last
>> night, there had been no other problems reported). This AM
>> when I read the other posts it seemed that a tech was coming
>> out to deal w/ the large problem so I called to cancel my
>> individual appt. I was told that there was no tech scheduled
>> to come out today and was advised to keep my original appt.
>> So, whoever thinks someone is coming out today may want to
>> verify.
>> Mary
>> ------Original Message------
>> From: Barbara Thomas
>> Sender:
>> To:
>> ReplyTo:
>> Sent: May 10, 2009 1:06 AM
>> Subject: Re: Dish Network
>> We called Dish and finally got to speak to a supervisor
>> after being on
>> the line for a very long time. He said there had been
>> several calls
>> from the building and it was being reported to the local
>> technicians
>> and they would be out tomorrow morning or "within 24
>> hours." Let's
>> hope so.
>> I'll post tomorrow morning if i find out anything new.
>> Barbara
>> 501
>> On May 9, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Barbara Thomas wrote:
>>> We were watching a DVD when the outage happened, so
>> when the power
>>> went back on, we continued watching it and I only now
>> discovered that
>>> the satellite is not working.
>>> So it sounds like Dish couldn't help you. Did
>> they say that we needed
>>> someone to come out to the building to get it
>>> going again?
>>> Barbara
>>> 501
>>> On May 9, 2009, at 10:56 PM, Dom Shurba wrote:
>>>> The outage has fried something in our satellite
>> system. (Just in
>>>> time for the Blackhawks game.) I just spent some
>> time on the phone
>>>> with dish network and thats what they think. How
>> do we get a
>>>> service call for something like this? Dom 612
>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>> Windows Liveā„¢: Keep your life in sync.
>>> Barbara Stewart Thomas
>> Barbara Stewart Thomas
>> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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