Subject: Dish Network Issues
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 14:31:06 CDT
I'm cc'ing this to Diana Herr and Scott Lindgren, the reps who worked
with us last fall.
Some of you wanted their emails, so it's on the cc line. Others
wanted their phone numbers:
Diana: 847-734-4110
Scott: 847-734-4109
Our Dish service has been out since about 9 pm last night (Saturday),
remains out, and the latest information is that a service call is
scheduled for tomorrow (Monday). This is contrary to two reports I have
received: One (last night) promising it would be fixed within 24 hours.
The other, this morning, indicating that somebody would be out today.
Others have reported (including a report I received when I called a rep
30 minutes ago, is that it would be tomorrow before it was fixed.
We were promised better service when we stayed with Dish last fall. I
hope Diana and Scott can ease our fears that Dish Network is no longer
interested in honoring its obligations or providing credible customer
Jim Thomas
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