Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 16:15:07 CDT
I came home about 10 mins ago. There was no vehicle w/ anything indicating they were from dish (van w/ a logo, etc) anywhere in the parking lot or on Van Buren or Throop. I also checked "communication closets" on 5, 6, and 7. No evidence of activity there. The roof access door is closed and locked so I assume they are not up there either. I will check down on lower floors in a bit, but if they are here, they are in "unmarked" vehicles and are NOT parked in the visitors' spots.
I am curious as to whether or not this outage is affecting the people who have individual satellites on their balconies also. And if it is, are any of them on this discussion list and can chime in on what they have been told.
And, of course, we have no TV at this time.
From: Robin Raffel <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; Diana Herr <>; "Lindgren, Scott" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:40:36 PM
Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
I just called again and they said the techs are there. Im not home now but is there someone there that knows if the techs are there?
Sent from my iPhone
On May 10, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
Erika wrote:
i am currently on the phone with dish next work and they stated that i have to pay 25.oo dollars to have someone check out the problem. this is not right! if the whole building is experiencing problems, they should come fix the problem for everyone instead of charging 25.oo
I'll cc this to Diana and Scott at Dish. This is a continued example of
the ineptitude at Dish customer service. If they'd both to look up
the building number, they'd see other trouble calls. Some people have
been told that there will be a charge, others have been told to set up
individual service calls, one person was apparently told that a tech
person couldn't get out until mid-week.
It's one thing to go without service. It's quite another to be once
again the "Roddy Treatment" by those who promised otherwise.
Scott, Diana -- the ball's in your court to resolve this.
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