Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 16:40:17 CDT
This is so frustrating, mainly because Dish seems to be telling people
who call 3 or 4 different stories. Also, the fact that this is for a
building of 100 units, not just 1 or 2 individuals.
Luckily, we have a whole bunch of stuff saved on our Dish DVR to
watch, which does work.
On May 10, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Mary Deskovich wrote:
> I came home about 10 mins ago. There was no vehicle w/ anything
> indicating they were from dish (van w/ a logo, etc) anywhere in the
> parking lot or on Van Buren or Throop. I also checked "communication
> closets" on 5, 6, and 7. No evidence of activity there. The roof
> access door is closed and locked so I assume they are not up there
> either. I will check down on lower floors in a bit, but if they are
> here, they are in "unmarked" vehicles and are NOT parked in the
> visitors' spots.
> I am curious as to whether or not this outage is affecting the
> people who have individual satellites on their balconies also. And
> if it is, are any of them on this discussion list and can chime in
> on what they have been told.
> And, of course, we have no TV at this time.
> ________________________________
> From: Robin Raffel <>
> To: "" <
> >
> Cc: "" <
> >; Diana Herr <>; "Lindgren, Scott" <
> >
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:40:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
> I just called again and they said the techs are there. Im not home
> now but is there someone there that knows if the techs are there?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 10, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Erika wrote:
> i am currently on the phone with dish next work and they stated that
> i have to pay 25.oo dollars to have someone check out the problem.
> this is not right! if the whole building is experiencing problems,
> they should come fix the problem for everyone instead of charging
> 25.oo
> I'll cc this to Diana and Scott at Dish. This is a continued example
> of
> the ineptitude at Dish customer service. If they'd both to look up
> the building number, they'd see other trouble calls. Some people have
> been told that there will be a charge, others have been told to set up
> individual service calls, one person was apparently told that a tech
> person couldn't get out until mid-week.
> It's one thing to go without service. It's quite another to be once
> again the "Roddy Treatment" by those who promised otherwise.
> Scott, Diana -- the ball's in your court to resolve this.
> Jim
Barbara Stewart Thomas
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