Re: Rear Elevator

Subject: Re: Rear Elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jun 24 2009 - 12:38:13 CDT

Allyson, it's never pleasant to be stuck in an elevator, and we're
sorry you had to endure this. Somebody will be out to check on the

You also raise the issue of how emergencies are handled with calls
to 1P. Many have expressed a similar concern in the last few
years. Prompted by your experience, I just sent an email to
Michael Rutkowski at 1P to work with him on how to streamline
the emergency system to make it more user-friendly and responsive.

Thanks for sharing your information, and yes, 311 or 911 is best
for an elevator emergency just on principle. They have the capablity
to arrive and resolve faster than us civilians.


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