RE: Rear Elevator

Subject: RE: Rear Elevator
From: Dom Shurba (
Date: Wed Jun 24 2009 - 12:38:44 CDT

I reported that it was not leveling itself and was going to get stuck a couple weeks ago. It was supposed to be serviced. It is still a good three inches off and going to get stuck again. The elevator should be taken out of service until it is fixed. I assume I can use the front elevator with the dog until it's confirmed fixed?
Dom 612

> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Rear Elevator
> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 11:59:40 -0500
> I was stuck in the rear elevator this mornig for almost 50 minutes. I pushed the "Talk" button in the elevator and the women said someone was on their way.
> I called First Properties three times and the recording said to report an emergency to hit "0" for the receptionist who did not pick up her phone any of those three times.
> So I pushed the "talk" button again after 25 minutes and still no one was coming. Finally I called 911 who came and helped within 10 minutes.
> The moral of this story is- If you ever get stuck in any of the elevators in our buidlings CAll 911!! They are only ones who respond!

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