Garbage Issue- 7th Floor

Subject: Garbage Issue- 7th Floor
Date: Thu Jul 30 2009 - 16:10:36 CDT

Jim- Please make a note of who-ever just moved out of apartment 714 did
not dispose of their trash bags and have left 5 black garbage bags in the

Brian Hanzal
Regional Account Manager
Henkel Corporation
P: (312) 733-0121
F: (312) 733-9102
M: (312) 420-4754

Mathew Ajjarapu <>
Sent by:
07/27/2009 11:32 AM

Please respond to

To, Carol Enoch <>,
Todd Granius <>

Re: FedEx delivery

Oh man... the same thing ALWAYS happens to me with FedEx packages!! After
they make their 3 delivery attempts and can't get inside the building,
they either have me drive to their main Chicago warehouse to pick it up,
or they just return my package to the sender. Did I mention that the
Chicago warehouse is like on 90th street, down by Midway Airport?
Yeah... talk about a major pain in the a*s!!

Incidentally, DHL has the same problem as FedEx as well. I've actually
emailed before about FedEx and DHL not having access to the building, but
no one seemed to have any solution.

-Mat A.

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Cassandra Roller <> wrote:

From: Cassandra Roller <>
Subject: FedEx delivery
To:, "Carol Enoch"
<>, "Todd Granius" <>
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 9:20 AM

I am having issues with FedEx packages delivering to the building. He
comes during the day and I don't work from home so I can never receive the
packages. The FedEx delivery guy said that they used to have a key code
access the mailroom but that it was changed and they were never informed
the new code. I know UPS has a code to get in and deliver packages. Is
there a reason FedEx doesn't? Can someone inform FedEx of the code or let
know so I can tell the delivery guy? They are going to try to make a final
attempt on my latest package tomorrow.



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