Re: Dogs Urinating.

Subject: Re: Dogs Urinating.
Date: Tue Jul 28 2009 - 14:48:46 CDT

Thanks Chris.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Christian A Lattimer <
> wrote:

> FYI... Julio is cleaning the entire service drive area with the
> power washer. If anyone sees pet owners curbing their dog inside
> the gated area, please send a private email to the condo board. We
> will handle the matter directly with the pet owner.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:vanguard-talk-
>] On Behalf Of Jim Thomas
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:46 PM
> To: Vanguard Lofts Listserv
> Subject: Re: Dogs Urinating.
>> Will someone please explain the associan rules concerning dogs? Are
>> they allowed to urinate within the confines of the gates or is this
>> against the rules?
> This has always been a difficult issue. The dog rules are clear, and
> most people are pretty good about following them. It's not an easy
> thing to deal with, though:
> --Dogs tend to have a mind of their own and do what they do, and if
> they start doing their thing by the rear doors or in the alley or by
> the gates, they can't be shut off like a light switch.
> --If "accidents" happen inside the building, all the owners need to
> do is go back and clean it up with a sponge and some bleach. Matter
> settled. If an accident happens and it's not cleaned up, then the
> owner is subject to a $50 for the first offense, $100 for subsequent
> offenses. So, just clean up!
> --If they do it outside by the back door, and if it becomes a pattern,
> the own is responsible for better training of the dog.
> --The rear area by the gate is supposed to be power-washed once
> every week or two, because we recognize that accidents happen. We will
> work with Julio to make sure this is done as instructed.
> This might not be a perfect solution, but it's the best we can come up
> with to balance the needs of dog owners (and dog lovers) with the need
> to have urine-free living accomodations.
> And, although it hasn't happened recently, same goes for bipeds as
> well.
> Jim
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