Subject: Re: FINES for those who break the rules.
From: edward kurek (
Date: Mon Oct 26 2009 - 12:12:12 CST
Your right, it's not the animals fault it's the owners fault. It's not the first time this has happened. There shouldn't be any no wiggle room on this in my oppion, the fine should be administered in the fullest!!!!!!!
Edward Kurek
1250 W. Van Buren St. #312
Chicago, Il. 60607-2825
On Monday, October 26, 2009, at 12:01PM, <> wrote:
>Good Morning everyone,
>This morning I was greeted to the lovely stench of pet excrement in the rear elevator. Some of it was still on the elevator floor near the door. I move for a full investigation and fine of the perpetrator. The camera should have caught it. Fortunately Julio was around and is in the process of cleaning it up. I propose that we begin to follow through with fines to perpetrators of incidents such as these. If they are renters then fine the owners and have them pass it along to their tenants in their rent. This is the only way to get people to adhere to the rules and regulations we agreed to. Can someone second this motion?
>I apologize for the tone of this email but this simply will NOT be tolerated.
>Ian Hepburn #507
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