Re: FINES for those who break the rules.

Subject: Re: FINES for those who break the rules.
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Oct 26 2009 - 12:27:49 CST

On Mon, 26 Oct 2009, edward kurek wrote:

> Your right, it's not the animals fault it's the owners fault. It's not the first time this has happened. There shouldn't be any no wiggle room on this in my oppion, the fine should be administered in the fullest!!!!!!!

If a dog does it's think when the elevator doors are closed, it won't
be caught on the DVR. As you've all pointed out, this is inexcusable.
When the Board can track down violators for serious offenses, a
violation letter is sent and fines levied. For serious offenses of this
kind, there's no wiggle room.

We've sent more letters and levied more fines in the past year than in
my entire five years on the Board. With only a few exceptions, these
have been to renters. Most are great neighbors, but there continue to be
a few who think 1250 W. Vanburen is like Animal House. It won't be

Owners are responsible for their tenants, and owners should be reminded
that they, not the renter, is responsible for paying the fine. Police
called to parties, fights in the lobby, defecating dogs, and other
crap will not be tolerated. Period!


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