Vanguard Lofts - Furnace/Heat Issues

Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Furnace/Heat Issues
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Mon Nov 30 2009 - 11:09:58 CST

I've been monitoring the communications to determine if there is a pattern that would indicate a large scale problem. So far there isn't much of a pattern... thus indicating isolated incidents. The following units have reported problems with their furnace not working properly.

507 Hepburn, Ian
508 Wolf, Jason
602 Magallanes, Leticia
603 Ringger, Joy
613 Chapmon, Evelyn
702 Shereyk, Ronald
703 Elakkatt, Shiju
714 Winston-Hatch, Kimberly J.
713 Raffel, Robin

Please keep in mind all vertical units share a common vent stack, so if there is a large scale problem that needs to be addressed, chances are multiple units in a vertical stack will experience the same problem.

Units on the 5th floor reporting problems are on the east side of the building and the units above and below have not reported any issues.

Units on the 6th and 7th floor experiencing problems are the *02 and *03 vertical stacks, and the *13 vertical stacks. Again, no issues have been reported on the lower floors or many of the adjacent units.

The only issue that would be a "building related" issue would be the vent stack on the roof. If there is a problem with a vertical vent stack not functioning properly, this is something the condo board and property management will address.

All problems with a furnace inside a unit are considered "owner issues" and need to be addressed by the owner of the unit. (Oh, the joy of being a home owner.)

As Jason has stated in a previous email, the age of the furnace in your unit is close to 11 years old by now. If you have only had basic furnace maintenance for the past 11 years, chances are some of the components are near end of life and have less tolerance, thus shutting down the furnace in your unit.

If you have an HVAC specialist out to your unit, and they report the problem to be an issue with the vent stack on the roof of the building, please report the issue to the condo board and property management. Send us the documentation of your service call and we will investigate the issue and have it resolved.

At the moment, there is nothing to indicate a vent stack problem. All we have is reports of owner maintained furnace equipment not functioning properly. The furnace equipment in these units could be failing for a variety of reasons.

If your furnace is not working, it is best that you have a certified professional inspect your furnace and make the necessary repairs.

Best regards,
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