RE: Smell from the kitchen sink

Subject: RE: Smell from the kitchen sink
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Dec 05 2009 - 10:34:22 CST

Over the years, strange odors have occured in the utility/furnace area
areas of some units. Check the ceiling above those areas to be sure
there are no leaks dripping in. If there is a leak from or a faulty
wax seal for the toilet in the unit above, even a small one, that could
be the source.

For those new to the building who aren't aware of the details of
the conversion of the building to lofts, Tony Rezko and his parner
(Danill Mahru) were the developers. Rezko was convicted of fraud and
bribery last year. Vanguard sued Rezko and Marhu for construction
issues nearly a decade ago, recently settled, but given the Mahru/Rezko
bigger legal problems and the line of creditors, we received relatively

On Sat, 5 Dec 2009, j izz wrote:

> Hey Lucas,
> It's funny you mention that, I recently started to have that moldy/dead rodent smell as well. I was gone for a couple of days and when I came back into the city, my place had the same weird smell. The smell is not coming from my kitchen sink, but from the washer/dryer closet. That is where, I think, the smell is coming from in my unit. Yeah, let's hope it's not a sewage problem.

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