Re: Renter information.

Subject: Re: Renter information.
From: Ronald Martin (
Date: Tue Dec 08 2009 - 10:25:30 CST

Martin, I agree. I feel that this transition could have been much more seamless if we could have had alot more information upon arrival. Even a committee to possibly welcome and tell small things like where the local grocery store or blockbuster is located would have been great as well. Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinion in this matter. Most people often times let things llike this go unheard.
Ronald Martin

From: Martin Ferrill <>
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 8:11:37 PM
Subject: Renter information.

Good evening all,

Over the last week I spent time speaking with some of the other renters who
were recently added to the chat board (as I recently was). We were
discussing how nice it was to have access to a lot of the information that
the majority of the owners have access to as well (regarding the
heat/furnace issue) and that it provided us the opportunity to get the
neccesary information to our owners to get the issue taken care of as
promptly as possible.

After discussing how helpful this was we each came to the conclusion that it
would have been a great benefit if we were privy to other information such
as rules and regulations, contact information, helpful hints, that
we could join the community as seamlessly as possible and also to avoid
breaking any rules on accident.

If anybody has any ideas don't hesitate to chime in and/or stop by #710, so
we can put a face to a name!

Have a great evening,

Martin A. Ferrill

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