RE: Garage door

Subject: RE: Garage door
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Mon Apr 26 2010 - 08:50:25 CDT


A new garage door and 100,000 cycle main spring were approved over a week ago. The new parts are on order. The estimate for delivery and installation is approximately 3 weeks. Until the new garage door is installed, we have to maintain the old door and keep it operational.

If there is a problem with the garage door kindly call First Properties and report the problem. If there is an off hours emergency, then you need to call the emergency line.

I'll remind everyone the Vanguard Lofts discussion group is NOT monitored and it is not moderated. Messages posted to this discussion can go unanswered. It is imperative to contact First Properties or the Board of Directors with all communication related to maintenance and emergencies.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Thomas
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Garage door

>As tennants what do we
>do now that the building has been notified and still we seem to get no
>response, neither has any attempt been made to fix the door. It seems
>as though lots of emphasis is put on things like "dog registration/bike
>registration" or cleaning out the storage closet, but when does does
>the board step up and argue on the residents behalf to make changes?

Sadly, many issues often occur at the same time, some serious (the
garage door, the roof problem) and the minor things (dogs, bikes). Some
solutions are fairly fast (getting bikes/dogs registered), some are not.
That some residents see the Board dealing with an immediate issue does
not mean that larger issues are ignored. Contacting residents about
an issue that affects all residents is quite visible. The processes
of addressing the larger issues that occur behind the scenes, such
as contacting service technicians, identifying problems and finding
resolutions, are not visible.

As Kelly indicated, this e-list is primarily for sharing information
among us all. Issues of building maintance must be reported to First
Properties. They are ultimately the ones who call service technicians.

1P had the garage door examined. If it still isn't working, contact
Donna at 1P to have a stop-gap fix done.

About two weeks ago, the Board approved replacing the door with an
upgraded version. They are not cheap, and we are in the process of
identifying what the best replacement should be and getting price
quotes so it can be replaced as soon as possible. But, it's not
something we can rush out and get as we would when we run out of
beer during the Bulls playoffs.

Same with the roof: That's been a problem for years. It's expensive
to replace, we don't want to put something up just to have the same
problems re-occur, and we're on schedule in the planning phase.

For those new to the building, Tony Rezko was the major partner in
the development company. That might explain a lot. Although the
Association successfully sued him (and his partner Mahru), Rezko
has a line of creditors who he will likely never re-pay when he gets
out of prison.


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