Subject: RE: dish vs. cable
From: Amit Choksi (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 11:30:57 CDT
though I didn't see any answers for service level agreements and upgrades.
any progress in those areas?
-----Original Message-----
From: daaron []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 10:55 AM
To: Amit Choksi
Subject: RE: dish vs. cable
Most of these questions were answered earlier this week. And the ones that
were not will be addressed with the representative this evening.
Thanks for your input.
>===== Original Message From Amit Choksi <> =====
>I shared some of the concerns with the board a week or so ago, but since I
>will also be unable to attend the meeting and I would like to share my
>concerns with the entire group also.
>I would like to get satellite TV, and have been wanting to do so since I
>first moved in. Looking through the list of Pro's and Con's about the deal:
>1) I would be very hesitant to lock into a contract for a technology based
>service for more than 1 year. While I understand that there are deployment
>costs that need to be offset, 10 years is a very long time. Nowadays,
>technology related to any type of data transmission is changing on an
>daily basis. If we sign up for this service, what guarantees will we have
>that our provider will stay current with new technologies? What guarantees
>will we have that new technologies adopted by our provider will be made
>available to us at the same time they are available to their single
>unit/home residential customers?
>2) Will our monthly costs be at or below what home customers pay?
>3) Does their contract specify a service level agreement of any kind? Since
>we will be locked in with them for 10 years, we need to make sure they have
>incentives to make prompt repairs. For example, businesses sign up to 3
>contracts with phone companies for high speed fiber internet access. Even
>though they are bound by a 3 year contract, a problem not resolved in 30
>days would allow a business to terminate their contract.
>4) Do they offer Asian/Indian programming such as TVAsia and ZeeTV?
>5) Will a separate dish and decoder box be needed for Indian programming?
>Will they provide this equipment?
>6) If we choose to go with this provider and they do not provide Indian
>programming, will individuals be allowed to find an alternate provider for
>just this programming?
>These are just a few questions that came to mind. Maybe if you could
>summarize the questions/concerns/pluses that individuals have sent in an
>email to everyone that might spur some more thinking and conversation. This
>is a very big decision, so lets make sure we do it right and think
>everything through.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 8:37 AM
>To: Group Discussion; Mary Janowski
>Subject: Re: dish vs. cable
>10 years is along time to be locked into any type of contract. With
>technology changing so quickly, is this what we really want to do? This
>product might be attractive now but is this the complete and total answer
>for the next 10 years? I agree with Mary!
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: dish vs. cable
>Author: Mary Janowski <> at WRIGLEY
>Date: 8/22/2000 7:58 AM
> Am I the only owner who is concerned about the board taking a
> (semmingly)
> huuried vote on the dish vs. Prime issue?
> I am e-mailing them urging them to postpone the vote until we
> can further
> examine our options. To be forced to accept ONE service is
> causing me
> consternation, not to mention the fact that I will be locked
> into this service
> (whether good or bad, affordable or expensive) for TEN years.
> I am asking
> that they look for a provider that does not insist on exclusivity.
> Yes, the security camera they offer sounds nice, but weighed
> against the fact
> that I will be compelled to have Dishnetwork, it seems that we
> might be better
> off purchasing a camera and allowing owners their choice of TV
> providers.
> I have been attempting, since last Tuesday, to contact Dishnetwork
> by phone.
> I have yet to get through to them, encountering a busy signal.
> If this is
> indicative of their customer service this might also suggest
> that this would
> not be a good decision.
> A decision of this magnitude should not be made hastilty. This
> affects the
> "resale-ability" of our units among other things. If you
> agree, please ask
> the Board to postpone the vote or to offer to present it to the
> entire
> association (all owners) for a vote.
> Mary
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