Subject: RE: Dishnetwork
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 12:50:25 CDT
I expect that the FAQ memo will take care of this.
I understand that people are not comfortable with
giving up some control over your tv choice, but if we
stay with Prime Cable and want the security camera,
you will give up even more choice. You will pay for
cable whether you want it or not, you will pay for a
security camera, and you will be subject to a
multi-year contract with Prime Cable. Anyway, I don't
want to go too much further - I need to start on the
FAQ memo.
--- Amit Choksi <> wrote:
> Maybe someone could point out some of the misleading
> and untrue information
> so that we can sort through everything. I really
> don't mind Prime cable but
> would like to have the nice, crisp pictures that
> digital satellite TV
> provides. In doing this though, I do not want to
> give up my freedom of
> choice over which services come to my home. While
> our development is not
> small, it is not too large either. I have seen other
> development where
> people are able to install their own dish. Owners
> that have units facing
> south are able to install them adjacent to their
> balconies and other owners
> install them on the roofs. Is this not an option for
> us?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Luedtke []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 12:07 PM
> To: Belinda Leeney;;
> Subject: Re: Dishnetwork
> I am sorry to hear that you are getting negative
> feedback and appreciate
> your concerns. I have only received negative
> responses from three very
> vocal people. Some of the information that is being
> put forward is
> misleading at best and untrue at worst. I
> understand that people have
> concerns about a 10 year contract. We are concerned
> about it too. We
> intend to address those concerns with Dishnetwork's
> representative this
> evening. I will be putting together a list of FAQs
> to be placed by the
> mailboxes. I might also forward to the group some
> of the comments that I
> have received in the last weeks and our responses
> which answer many
> questions.
> Thanks for the input.
> John Luedtke
> Belinda Leeney <> wrote:
> Board Members & Home Owners,
> I am hearing a lot of negative feedback about the
> Dish Network TV, and, like
> Paul, I am not able to attend board meetings due to
> work commitments.
> What is the plan for deciding on whether or not we
> will sign this 10 year
> contract? Are ALL the owners going to be able to put
> in their vote or ONLY
> the board members? Also, is there a way we can vote
> via an absentee ballot
> if we cannot attend the meeting (e.g., vote by
> email)?
> Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Belinda Leeney, Unit 704
> As a side note, you might all want to take into
> consideration that if you
> choose this one cable provider, then you WILL NOT be
> able to have any other
> choice for cable modem/tv service (if you choose to
> have it). What are the
> chanes that Dish Network provides quality service?
> Has anyone even tried
> them? How would you lik! e to be stuck with horrible
> cable service for 10
> whole years and not have the opportunity to change
> it?? Do you really want
> to limit yourselves?
> >From:
> >To:
> >Subject: Dishnetwork
> >Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:10:01 EDT
> >
> >Board Members,
> > The issue of the satellite dish has caused me to
> ask some questions.
> >1. Does dish network currently have the capability
> to offer high speed
> >Internet access
> >2. If I or other residents do not want this service
> will we be forced to
> >subscribe to it if we want cable.
> >3. What are the exact savings by having this
> service.
> >4. Has Prime cable been contacted to see if they
> will offer a comparable
> >deal. I'm sure that they don't want to lose 105
> customers without offering
> >some kind of discount or brake on their high speed
> Internet access
> >5. What if a better service comes to our area and
> some res! idents want to
> >switch.
> >6. What guarantees do we have that dishnetwork
> won't hike up their prices
> >down the road.
> >7. Is dishnetwork HDTV compatible since most TV
> stations and televisions
> >sold
> >today are.
> >8. How will this contract with dishnetwork affect
> unit owners when they
> >sell
> >their units or will it affect them at all.
> >9. What happened to our rights to choose for
> ourselves what we want.
> >10. Did someone originally call dishnetwork or was
> it unsolicited.
> >11. If owners want a satellite dish instead of
> cable, can that dish be
> >placed
> >on the roof where nobody can see it.
> >These are just a few of the concerns that other
> unit owners and I have
> >about
> >this discussion. I work the evenings that the board
> meetings have been held
> >on and have not had the opportunity to hear the
> responses, if any, to these
> >questions. Personally, I do not like the idea of
> limi! ting my choices by
> >signing a 10 year exclusivity contract.
> >
> >Paul Sanchez
> >Unit 615
> >
> >PS
> > Since I cannot attend the board meeting, I would
> appreciate if another
> >unit owner could raise these issues.
> >
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