Subject: Re: reporting problems
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 09:57:47 CDT
Report any mtce issues to my voicemail (extension 11). Now, I will have to discuss with the Board if weekend repairs are desired. Even if something is under warranty, a weekend call is billed as overtime. If one elevator is out, does that merit a double-time call? With the frequency of two-elevator hang-ups in the bldg, I would now say "yes" it does. Under normal circumstances, I would not consider one non-working elevator an emergency, and would wait until Monday to fix.
Also note, if there is a true emergency, there is a 24 hour emergency answering service (follow the menu prompts when calling the First Properties office). On days off or weekends, I only check my voicemail once. Therefore, response may not be "same day" on service calls.
Michael E. Rutkowski
773.935.5617 x11
First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: reporting problems
Excellent point that Debra makes about reporting problems. To whom do we report them? The answering machine at 1P? the elevator company? a member of the Board?
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