Re: elevators (plural)

Subject: Re: elevators (plural)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 09:55:57 CDT

> Are they called on weekends or do we wait until Monday to call for
> service? And if we waited until Monday, why is it still out of order
> on Wednesday?

A few points to add:

   a) I called the "emergency repair" number for First Properties
Friday afternoon and was put through to voicemail. I left a message
about the front elevator. I was probably the first to report it, because I
was on it when it stopped working. I took it from 5 to 1, and the door
wouldn't open, so I had to force it. Then, the buttons wouldn't respond.

  b) The front elevator was working Monday afternoon again, but then
it wasn't working Monday night.

  c) Last week, we noted that the rear elevator stopped about 12 inches
above floor level on the first floor (Friday) on one occasion.

The elevator fix-it folk should provide 24/7 service, especially when
they can't seem to fix things during normal business hours.


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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