Subject: Re: Board Meeting Minutes
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (work) (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 17:46:35 CDT
Damn!...I jinxed it! I just mentioned to the Board that we have gone
almost a year and no roof complaints. Let me know when I can bring a
roofer into your unit so he can figure out where to look for the leak.
Unfortunatley, a roof leak is not an insurance may be a
warranty issue, but we won't know until we see.
Please understand something about the website and minute postings. A
resident in our building is paying out of his own pocket to run that
website and is volunteering his time to administer it. You can send a
written request for Board meeting minutes to me, and I will send you a
copy. You cannot have "expectations" for the sight, but a "Thank You"
for that resident for what IS providing should be in order.
Belinda Leeney wrote:
> The last board meeting minutes posted on the vanguard lofts website
> are the meeting minutes from 01/25/01. It has now been 6 months since
> then. Don't others think it's ridiculous that we don't have access to
> other minutes? Or is the board just not meeting any more and everyone
> has given up? That I could probably understand.
> Also, it seems that we keep having the SAME issues. Side gate, door
> to garage, doors staying open, weren't we going to change the locks
> after we fired Ali?, etc... are we ever going to SOLVE these issues?
> We keep bringing them up, but maybe if we were able to see some kind
> of SOLUTIONS to these problems (probably in some board meeting
> minutes), then our concerns would lessen. All I want to know is that
> my $177 monthly assessment fee is going to the right places.
> And now.. *sigh* sorry, but I have to pose another issue. The roof
> leaks. Michael, who do I need to contact about the roof leaking?
> That should definitely be covered under our property insurance. What
> can we do to fix that asap?
> Sorry for the grumbling, but I'm sure you would understand if you had
> water leaking into your unit. (I think 601/501 would agree...)
> Thanks,
> Belinda Leeney
> Unit 704
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