Re: Board Meeting Minutes

Subject: Re: Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 09:41:14 CDT

I agree with John's comments regarding reimbursing Tom for the web hosting.
I find it useful to have one place to go to to find all loft-related
communication, including the people directory. It's not Tom's fault that the
latest minutes weren't posted on the website, because no one else has a copy
of them either. I also agree with John's comments on posting the minutes on
the bulletin the very least. Every unit used to get them after
every meeting....I'd just be happy to see them somewhere where I can read
them to see what was discussed.

Regarding the notification of the board meetings, in one of Michael's
previous e-mail responses to this question, he stated:
"However, the Board is NOT required to notify owners of the meetings...the
requirement is that the Board is notified.  For an Owners' meeting, yes,
there is a requriement that the owners are notified.  But, this was a Board
meeting.  Some condos may have a notice requriement (other than Board
notification) written into their own by laws, but Vanguard does not, and the
IL Condo Prop Act does not require it."

Mary sent out a document yesterday, referencing the Condo Act of IL, but you
don't have to go any further than the Vanguard by-laws - under Section Six
(Board of Managers/Board of Directors) paragraph F (Meetings).:

"Meetings of the Board shall be open to any Owner...." (logically - how can
we go to one if we don't know when/where it is?)

and further down in the paragraph....."In addition, such copies of notices of
the meetings of the Board shall be posted in entranceways or other
conspicuous places on the Property at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to
the meeting of the Board."

It seems to me that a lot of the complaints, questions, and comments that
have been brought forth in this discussion forum stem from a lack of proper

  Mary Beth (514)

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