Subject: RE: taxes on parking
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 15:07:39 CST
> Could anyone who knew their parking tax PIN before these delinquent notices
> appeared please tell me how they found out what they were?
Wasn't there a snailmail sheet that we all received on unit taxes?
Like Mary, I don't recall a PIN for parking, either.
Since my last post, where I did a random check on about 20 PINS from
the cook county home page and found roughly 70-80 percent in arrears
(assuming that the last 2 digits correspond to Vanguard spaces, and
judging by the taxes for each, it appears that they are consistent
with the three lots), I checked 1130 to 1144. 12 of 15 are in arrears.
Since I didn't do any of the 30 to 40s in my first check I have to assume
that the roughly 70 to 80 pct figure I've been getting means that
about 70 to 80 pct of the unit owners are in arrears.
The big concern now: Are those 30 letters that went out to unit owners
the ONLY ones likely in arrears, or are there a bunch more who didn't
get the letters and don't know they're behind? It's possible that by
some statistical quirk I've just happened to hit roughly 27 of about 35
owners who are in arrears, and that the remaining 65 are fine. But,
for those of us with faith on stats, I'd guess that there are a whole lot
more than 30 folks who aren't aware that their parking spaces might be
up for auction.
Maybe it's a false alarm, but we'd better make sure that EVERYBODY in the
building is aware of this. Folks who aren't on this list or who might
not have receive a notice (if only 30 went out) could be screwed.
So could we all if non-loft folk start buying spaces. Are we required
to give them a key or opener if they do? There are some security
implications here.
> Also-I've heard from several people who keep telling me that their taxes
> have been paid. I caution them to make sure they or their mortgage company
> has been paying TWO SEPARATE bills every time.
Here are those URLs that Tom posted earlier:
I wonder if this affects everybody, or primarily those who purchased
in '99/2000 when LaSalle was the owner of record. Did folks who
purchased in the last year or two receive a separate parking PIN?
Somebody with some time might check all the 11xx numbers, assuming
those are ours, to see which are NOT in arrears (from my check, I'm better
most are!)
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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