Subject: how-to for your taxes
From: Tom Campbell (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 13:43:08 CST
Here's a few hints based on my adventures in the city-county building
yesterday while chasing down my parking taxes.
1. Make sure you have your PIN(s). 1P responded very quickly to my inquiry.
2. You need to go to Room 112, 118 N Clark, the Cook County Treasurer. Pay
$1 per bill needed at windows 19 or 20, then take the receipt form(s)
further around the corner (in the office) to where duplicate bills are
printed. Write your PIN(s) on the back (yellow side) of the form(s), and
they'll print out the bill(s).
3. Just a few feet away is the change of mailing address window. You can
fill out the form and get the mailing address changed. To save an extra
trip, you need to have two (2) of the following forms of ID, otherwise the
clerk won't take the form.
- social security card
- valid IL driver's license
- valid IL ID card
- valid US passport
- valid out of state driver's license
- valid out of state ID card
- certified birth certificate
- valid military license or ID card
- current certified copy of Trust Agreement with notarized letter of authority
- employee photo work ID card with check stub
- copy of recorded deed or recorded articles of agreement for deed
- notarized power-of-attorney reciting authority to change name and/or
address on tax bill
4. Call Rezmar and tell them to #$%@#% since they didn't change the mailing
address. (I'm kidding, but wouldn't it feel good?)
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