Subject: USA Dish Contract
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 14:03:28 CST
Currently we are locked into a 10 year contract with USA Dish. USA Dish
has exclusive rights to the property and this is why you can't get Direct
TV, Comcast, or any type of service for that matter. USA Dish owns the
satellite equipment and portions of the distribution infrastructure in the
The contract between Vanguard Lofts Condo Association and USA Dish is
posted on the website for all owners. It was signed by the Board of
Directors on August 29, 2000.
The board of directors is aware of the many problems with USA Dish. We are
working hard to plan for the future so we can outfit the building with
state of the art infrastructure and services. As things currently stand,
we are waiting for the contract with USA Dish to expire so we can find an
alternate service provider. The attorney and the board of directors has
determined this to be the most cost effective solution for the
association. Litigation will cost us money and inevitably take a
substantial amount of time. Other alternatives are possible and are still
in the discovery process.
Let history be a lesson to all... Roddy and USA Dish have left us with
very little customer service or customer satisfaction over the past six
years. USA Dish has not performed any system upgrades in the building
since the original installation of the satellite system. Roddy's focus is
on his new company (Global Edge Technologies) and seems to have very
little interest in performing upgrades to existing customers.
If anyone needs a service call, please contact First Properties and
document your service request. Email or call Loretta Wheeler and have her
document the service request, the date and time, how many subsequent calls
were placed, any problems that were encountered, and when the service
request ticket was closed.
Contact Information:
Loretta Wheeler - First Properties
Roddy - USA Dish
Best regards,
- Chris
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