Re: (no subject)

Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: michael mccarthy (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 14:07:42 CST

We have AT&T and it has been wonderful. I would say
if USA Dish is not meeting the needs of the contract
then there may be an option out of the contract. I
don't know why we signed a 10 year contract. You
wouldn't do that for a car or anything else.

Joy, as far as a lawsuit. I believe you are talking
about a lawsuit against the builder: REZKO. We all
know about him.

Supposedly there is a lawsuit with a docket number
filed with the Cook County Law Department but I am
still waiting for that information from 1st

I know Jim you were trying to get that information. I
think that was about 4 months ago. Do you know the
status or perhaps why 1st Properties can't tell us the
lawfirm that filed the suit. If they can't call the
law firm to tell us then what else they may have
misplaced or erronously suppling us with information.


--- Joy Ringger <> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me if we can get Tivo or DVR through
> Dish? I have tried calling the office and I can't
> get a live person on the phone...and no one returns
> my calls. I know we have had problems getting Roddy
> to update our this still the case? I
> know we talked about a possible lawsuit...what is
> going on with that?
> Joy
> 603
> Zach Simmons <> wrote:
> I have had the same problem. It was out for 3 days
> then back on for 1 and
> has been off for the last 3.
> Zach
> On 1/25/07, John Mulligan wrote:
> >
> >
> > We have been having a problem with the Internet
> service provided by Dish
> > Network. It seems to have been out for a week. Has
> anyone else noticed
> > this
> > problem.
> >
> > John 614
> >
> >
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> > page.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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