Re: meetings -meeting needs?

Subject: Re: meetings -meeting needs?
Date: Tue Nov 06 2007 - 11:25:35 CST


The bike tags were ordered after the last board meeting. In an effort to
address other needs to label items in the building, the board has also
purchased labels for the storage lockers and the roof top air conditioning
units. The labels have not yet been attached due to a decision to try and
reduce association direct costs. If we have the building maintenance
staff install the labels, the association will be charged for the time. In
an effort to get more of the home owners in the community involved, we
have decided to try and make an effort to secure volunteers to affix the
labels for the bike storage room.

The board was hoping this could be a simple project that could involve the
home owners and help build the community and bring everyone closer
together. If you are willing to volunteer your time, we would enjoy
having you involved with the project. If you are willing to take on a
leadership role and run the project, please contact the board of directors
in a private email and we'll setup a time to meet.

Thanks for all your input.

- Chris

jonathan sweeney <>
Sent by:
11/06/2007 11:00 AM
Please respond to


meetings -meeting needs?

The suggestion to come to a board meeting and explain and/or vent a
problem is one way of communicating the needs its members. I was at the
June meeting and expressed a congestion problem with the bikes etc and the
need for labels above each hook. I was told it was already being looked
into and new hooks will be installed asap. We are still waiting. This
unusual amount of time to get estimates and have simple unit number plates
installed does not give one a great deal of confidence in this process.
604> From:> To:>
Subject: RE: Consistent Broken Elevator> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 09:04:13
-0600> > > Mike,> > While I am one who always appreciates honesty and
encourages everyone to express themselves, I don't think it is fair to say
that Jim or the board is harassing anyone.> > Considering you have your
opinion you do have a right to voice it, but if you don't wish to receive
the emails I would also recommend contacting First Properties, and simply
deleting them.> > > > > Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 05:11:53 -0800> From:> Subject: Re: Consistent Broken Elevator> To:> > > This is clearly a safety hazard and
some residents> have addressed this issue. The Fire Department will>
continue to get called if residents continue to get> stuck in the
elevator. Thus a charge to the building> will be next. > > Dog owners
should use the front elevator until The> Board can ensure the safe!
 ty of the elevator. A> resident should NOT have to bounce on the
elevator.> > I'm sure we will hear about the rules and get some> quote
with the patent signature "Jim/Brd Secty". We> all get it. May be that is
why people are selling or > because Jim continues to harass residents for
doing> everything wrong. Many residents feel this way and> I'm expressing
it. Especially dog owners. Let me> guess the dog broke the elevator. > >
On behalf of the dogs "Bite Me".> > I have asked time and time AGAIN to
take me off this> email lis!> t. We moved and I can see nothing has>
changed except excuses from The Board especially JIM. > > > --- Jim Thomas
<> wrote:> > > > > The elevator is an on-going
problem, and we all> > share the frustration.> > The best we can do for
the time-being is to continue> > to try to pressure> > the elevator repair
people to fix it properly. They> > were out about> > two weeks ago, and
we'll get them out again. When> > you notice anythi!
 ng> > such as a parking gate, broken door, or broken> > elevator, be s
ure to> > call First Properties at:> > 312.829.8900 > > and report it.
It's much faster than going to the> > Board first - we have> > to see the
emails and then we do the same thing.> > > > The elevator light went out a
few weeks ago because> > of damage caused by> > people moving out. It was
fixed immediately the> > following Monday.> > > > Ed's suggestion to
attend Board meetings wasn't> > suggesting that people> > had to come to
meetings to voice frustrati!> on. It was> > just a reminder that> >
everybody is encouraged to come > and provide input,> > whether good or
bad,> > and hear the discussions of the issues. We can't put> > full
discussions in> > the minutes, so sometimes f2f provides more> >
information.> > > > The Board actively tries to maintain and improve> >
conditions around the> > building. If there are any issues or items that>
> people feel are talked> > about with no action or decisions taken,
please> > share them. If somebody> > could give us an example of!
  something talked about> > but nothing done, share> > it and we can try
to address it at the next meeting.> > We are open to> > placing issues of
concern on the agenda.> > > > Jim> > > > =============> > > > On Mon, 5
Nov 2007, Robin Raffel wrote:> > > > > > > > I agree with allisons
frustration about the> > elevator> > > especially being a dog owner. It is
really> > annoying. I> > > have written here about the back elevator and>
> nobody> > > had responded. I have left first property> > messages> > >
about it too that have not been!> responded to> > either. A> > > jump is
not the solution. We pay a lot of money> > in> > > assessments and things
should be fixed properly.> > We> > > should also not have to come to board
meetings to> > get> > > things done here. Some of us have commitments at>
> night> > > that dont afford us the opportunity to attend the> > >
meetings. this is our way of venting here on the> > > email.> > > so many
things have been taken care of around the> !
> > building due to this email but a lot of things are> > > just talke
d about and not done.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
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