Re: East (rear) Service Elevator

Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2007 - 14:26:05 CST

well, sorry to be the bearer bad news, but i was just
in the elevator again, and had to jump start it yet
again. this is just silly. it is over the top. and i
am like matthew. ihave been here 4 years and the
elevators have been an issue the entire time i have
lived here. the managment company does suck. we do pay
them a lot of money for nothing. they never call back
and when they do it is 10 million excuses. this is
--- wrote:

> FYI... the following is from property management on
> 11/29/2007 12:04pm
> CST:
> "Professional Elevator Services will be out on
> property tomorrow @ 2:00pm
> to review the lingering issues and give us an
> estimate on maintenance and
> possible repair."
> Best regards,
> - Chris
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