Re: USA Dish complaint info needed

Subject: Re: USA Dish complaint info needed
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2008 - 12:47:40 CDT

> 2. his stories are inconsistent. he told me he was in Michigan at the same
> time that he was supposedly here at the building trying to get in but he
> couldn't even though he has a key fob.

A point of information to underscore Shiju's comment: Roddy reported
to Echostar/Dish the same thing: He couldn't get building access
yesteray. But, if Big Skyz/Saulius has been on-site working with the
Internet connection, then they obviously had access to the building.
What's wrong with this picture??

That's why the little tidbits of information are so important - the
picture that comes out seems somewhat less than credible.

Thanks to you all for this flood of helpful info, and my apologies for
being a bit snippy yesterday.


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