Re: Dish Network Issues

Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 21:49:34 CDT

Robin writes:

> i ran into him in the elevator and he said they had just called him out to our building.
> that makes me so angry considering i called dish network myself today 5 times and got a different answer every time.
> their customer service dept. sucks and I think that needs the be addressed.

I'll raise this with the reps we worked with in the fall in mid-week.
I was a bit testy in some email and voicemail last night and today, so
best I calm down. Dish Network is a huge bureaucracy, and much of the
problem was just their total breakdown in internal communications.
Something you might consider doing when you call them is to have the rep
who answers the phone read back the history of the comments on your last
call or two. I've found that some of the reps just key in a few words
that doesn't reflect the nature of the conversation. Then, have them
key in what your issue is and have them read it back.

We're out of town again, so we don't know if Dish was up. We left about
7:30 or so. A few of you indicated that your service was up again.
Others apparently didn't get it until after 8 pm.

Let Chris or I know in private email if your service is NOT up at this



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